I am originally from Venezuela, in the northern part of South America. I have been to different countries as a Spanish teacher, which has opened me up to various cultures, so I love to say that I am universal. I love history, nature, coffee, and a good conversation. I have a family that keeps growing and inspires me to be better. I am super excited to start a new adventure at Boltz Middle School.
- Period 4 Red 6th graders: https://classroom.google.com/w/NjkyMDM5MDE4OTgx/t/all
- Perio 4 Gold 6th graders: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA3Nzc4NDM5NDQw
- Period 5 Red New Commers different grades: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA3MTUzNjgyMzk4
- Period 5 Gold 7th graders: https://classroom.google.com/w/NzA0OTI1NzYwMjI4/t/all
- Period 1 8th grade: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA3MTUzNDMyMzQ0