Boltz 6th Grade Team
Welcome to 6th Grade at Boltz!! We are so excited to have you here. 6th Grade is a time for change. Students are changing physically and emotionally. We are bridging their elementary experience with their secondary experience. As much as students enjoy changing classes and lockers, they can also get very anxious about these new experiences. At Boltz, the 6th Grade Team works to help them navigate these changes and build their confidence so they can be successful.
We use our Advisory time to work on various skills, including but not limited to Health, Technology, Social Emotional Learning, Study Skills and Grade Checks. And once a week our 8th grade mentors, WEB leaders come in and do a lesson with their groups. WEB leader give 6th graders another connection in the building with the lessons and weekly check-ins, to find out how their WEBlets are doing.
Every week our team meets including our teachers, administrators, counselor, and other support staff to monitor student progress and create interventions and supports to assist all students in being successful. Let us know if you have any questions!!