Phoenix Pride

Student Device Policy and Procedure

Student Device Policy and Procedure: Boltz Middle School 2023-2024

8/18/23 V.1.4 (Updated 11/14/23)

This document is an outline of the policy and procedure the BTC (building technology coordinator) is adopting for this year. The main goal of these policies is to prevent the loss of technology, to set expectations of responsibility for students and help reduce the amount of tardies and students being outside of class, as this is a building-wide goal:

Students will be assigned a laptop and charger by way of Insignia and will be responsible for bringing the appropriate devices to school and for returning the devices at the end of the year.

In the effort to prevent the loss of devices, loaners will not be provided without the supervision of a teacher who has deemed the situation urgent and will be responsible for ensuring the student returns the device.  This would require that if a student forgot their laptop we would not provide them one unless it was requested as needed by a teacher. Loaners will be provided as needed for tests. The student is still responsible for returning the loaned device.

In the event of a student’s laptop running out of battery power, students will be advised to limit laptop use to academic endeavors and then allowed to swap their dead laptop for a freshly charged laptop. Students will be responsible for returning the borrowed laptop and retrieving their assigned laptop by day’s end. 

In the event that a student does not bring the necessary materials to school, we will only provide a device if a need is requested by the teacher. This request must be made either in person or by signed note to be presented to the BTC.  This can be done with a pass and a note, phone call or in person. Attempts will be made, by way of announcements over the intercom and by verbal reminder at time of checkout, to retrieve loaned laptops at the end of the day. If a loaned laptop is not returned, an email will be sent to families. If the laptop is not returned the next day, Mr. Vigil will be notified to assist in retrieval.

The BTC will be enforcing these policies and procedures and appreciates your assistance in this process and making this a more efficient year.


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